Wednesday, 3 January 2018

How to link your phone number to Aadhaar via OTP

You can now simply call 14546 from your phone to link your Aadhaar and mobile number.

All the telecom operators in India are currently conducting re-verification of their subscribers using Aadhaar. So far, the re-verification process has been a hassle for users, who were required tophysically visit anoperator store to link their Aadhaar and phone number. However, now, the Aadhaar re-verification process has just become a loteasier for mobile subscribers across the country. Users can now link their mobile number with Aadhaar from anywhere by calling the toll-free number 14546.

If you want to re-verify your mobile number by linking it to Aadhaar, the process is simple. To do this, first, keep your Aadhaar card number handy. Then, you simply need to call the toll-free number from the number you wish to verify. After this, the IVR system will ask you to select whether you are an Indian national or an NRI. In the next step, you will need to give consent to link your Aadhaar to your mobile number.

Following this, you will need to input your Aadhaar number in the IVR system, and you will then you will receive an OTP on your Aadhaar registered number. After this, you will need to enter the OTP number on your phone, which will be valid for 30 minutes. TheIVR system will then match your Aadhaar and phone details in the UIDAI database, and you will be all set to go.
After following the aforementioned instructions, you will receive an SMS on your registered number that the Aadhaar authentication process is underway and will be completedwithin 48 hours. As soon as your Aadhaar is re-verified, you will receive a confirmation email from UIDAIs official digital communication channel for the same.
The process of linking Aadhaar and phone number using the IVR system is currently live for all users of Airtel, Idea and Vodafone. However, Jio doesn’t seem to have activated this service as of now.